November 24, 2023 | 6:00 pm
November 24, 2023 | 6:00 pm
2 audio tracks
(English and Russian)
Live on record
(can rewind at any time)
In excellent quality
(1080 HD)
Record available
(30 days)
Check the SPAM folder, different email clients can classify a message in different ways. Confirm that your mailbox is not full. Try to wait 5 min. and if you didn’t receive an email with code, even if you got everything correct, contact us.
You can start watching the broadcast 5-10 minutes before the event starts (if you visited the page earlier, you will need to refresh the page, and then the button will change to “Play”). When you click the "Play" button on the live broadcast page, the login form will open in which you enter your your login and log into the system by clicking the "Start Viewing" button.
Please make sure that your Internet connections enough for Full HD video, you can do it here (https://www.speedtest.net). Ping should be no more than 90 ms, download speed should not exceed 5 Mbit / s (however, we strongly recommend at least 10 Mbit / s). Please check if you use unauthorised plugins to upload or download videos in your browser.
Please make sure you are not watching the stream on two devices at the same time. Try using your browser in incognito mode. Try a different browser, we highly recommend using Google Chrome.
You can watch the live broadcast live or rewind in case you missed something. Also, the broadcast can be paused and continue viewing from the same moment.
Yes, you can view the broadcast record on ppv.aca-mma.com within 30 days after the broadcast ends, you can use the need to use the same login for access, so you do not have to pay twice.
Using one license code, you can watch a live broadcast on only 1 device at a time. However, if you want to see the record, it will be possible with the same code.
NO, live broadcasts can only be purchased on ppv.aca-mma.com, and at the moment only card payment is available, which is available to 99.9% of the world's population.
YES, live streaming can be bought and watched anywhere in the world.